Q: What is longform?A: As far as what we do goes, longform is a style of improv that more closely resembles the format of a play. There are recurring characters and/or themes that get developed in different types of scenes. Once we get a suggestion, we improv for about 35-50 minutes straight. This is very different from shortform, which relies more on quick games and scenes. Longform is not Whose Line is it Anyway?
Q: How much of Sunshine Scouts shows are improvised?A: 100% of the content is improvised. Everything that you hear and see the Scouts do is made up on the spot. As a group, we play with different forms (different templates for our longforms) so sometimes we may have decided to have such-and-such kind of scene appear at some point. Other times we throw caution to the wind in a freeform. It all depends. However, our words and actions are all spontaneous and organic... it's improv!
Q: So if it's all made up, why do you rehearse?A: We don't rehearse, we practice. We do this because we need to build trust among the members of our group. Through practice we learn each other's rhythms and learn how to tap in to a group energy that allows for stellar longforms. We also learn how to develop different parts of ourselves that we can showcase in performance. We also love each other, and go through withdrawal when we're not very, very close.
Q: Is improvising scary?
A: Yes and no. New Scouts may have some fear coming in to the improv process, because it's a unique performance experience. However, with time the improvising becomes a second nature, and we come to need it like breathing.
Q: How often do you have auditions?A: Scouts auditions generally occur at the beginning of each fall semester. However, given that some members graduate early and other members go abroad, we reserve the right to host auditions in the spring as well. We will keep you updated on that front.
Q: What are auditions like?A: Fun. No preparations necessary. We will ask you to do a variety of warmups, games, and scenes, both with other auditionees and Scouts members.
Q: But what if I don't have any improv/theater/dance/singing experience? Can I still try out for the Sunshine Scouts?A: Awesome. Come on down.
Q: How many people are in the Sunshine Scouts each year?A: That depends. Generally the number is somewhere from 6-10, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been smaller, or larger. The membership ebbs and flows by semester. We never try to meet a quota; rather, we see who would add to the group dynamic.
Q: You're an improv troupe, where's the joke question?
A: Right here. Funny, huh?
Any more questions? Feel free to drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!