Friday, December 12, 2008

OCIC 2009!

Hello everyone,

OCIC preparation is in full swing. What is the OCIC, you're asking?

The Oberlin College Improv Conference! OCIC is one of the largest student run improv events in the country. It brings together student and professional troupes from all over the country for a weekend of workshops, performances, and silliness. The hallowed event is Improv Till You're Dead, a Saturday night, no-holds-barred improv marathon with all of the student troupes. It's like an automatic improv machine gun.

Every year has brought together a different group of troupes, short- and long-form. We are always interested in new (and new to us) talent. If your school would like to be involved this year, give us a little hooty-hoo over at sunshinescouts (at) gmail (dot) com.

This year's conference will be held April 17-19 all over the Oberlin College campus, and the all-inclusive cost of events will be $45. This includes the professionals show, three Saturday workshops, the OCIC party, Improv Till You're Dead, and the Sunday discussions.

More information as it develops!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Sunshine Scouts would like to extend a huge howdy-do to its five new members:

Dashiell Robb
Lily Grabill
Alia Syed
Sam Skove
Moze Halperin


Auditions this year were fantastic. We saw a lot of talent!

Friday, August 29, 2008


The Sunshine Scouts are hosting auditions for the new year!

TUESDAY September 2 10 PM to Midnight
WEDNESDAY September 3 10 PM to Midnight

Sign up sheets in Warner, meet in Warner TBA.

This will be the most fun you can have with pants on. Check our FAQ for details.