Oh babies, the conference is simmering in the pot right now, and it's waiting for you to come take a little taste.
We currently have two troupes booked: I Eat Pandas and Amnesia Wars. A third is in the works.
This year, we are offering an economic stimulus deal: If you are confirmed, and we receive your check by March 20, the ticket will only cost $40 per person. This ticket will give you complete access to the following:
1) The professional troupes' shows
2) The exclusive OCIC party
3) Three workshops taught by members of the professional troupes
4) A slot in the Improv Till You're Dead marathon event
5) Free pizza and an invite to join us in our Surprise Sunday events!
I know this is a little pricey, but you really can't get this kind of value anywhere else. If you want to know where to send your checks, e-mail us at sunshinescouts@gmail.com!